Newton, Cache Co.,
Nov. 25, 1877
Dear Sister Jenny,
On the 10 of April last I wrote to you and sent you a book The
Voice of Warning. I registered it so that you should get it safe. I
thought you would get it some time in May, if you did not write until June I should have
got it in July, from them till now, I have had thoughts about you that perhaps you had
left your place, and I had concluded to write you to the old place, but must admit that I
have neglected longer than I should, but could I tell you and explain all my
circumstances, you would see that this past summer has been the busiest I have ever seen,
also there has been more care on me than I hope ever to have to carry again, but after all
I should have written to you before this.
I am glad to hear that you are
still going along in the old way and hope you will until you make up your mind to come
here which can be next summer if you are ready and willing. Brigham's death makes
very little change here, everything moves on about the same. I went to Salt Lake to
attend his funeral.
The children enjoy their Books
very much and they are in constant use. Your likeness hangs up in our front room,
and they all know Aunt Jenny. We are all well. John is able to play alone.
Annie helps Mother at home, the next 3 go to school, the 2 last make work for
Grasshoppers have taken most of
the crops in this valley but elsewhere in Utah the crops are splendid. I have
collected from 3 towns, worked, packed and taken away and delivered this summer, thirty
thousand lbs of butter and 50 thousand doz eggs --- the distance between the collection
and delivery is 45 miles, so that makes 90 miles with team to travel about every ten days,
besides having to put all the Butter into shape (mold) for market --- also a store to
attend 3 days a week, 7 children and no one in the house to help us, but we will not work
so hard any more. I wish you had been here to help us and yourself. We are in
our new house but it is not quite finished.
You will get this just before
Christmas, and we all, Susan, the children and myself wish you a good happy time --- be of
good cheer --- there are better times in store for you.